Results for 'Dirk E. Teuwen'

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  1.  14
    Validity, Reliability, and Diagnostic Cut-off of the Kinyarwandan Version of the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale in Rwanda.Peter Dedeken, Joao Ricardo Nickenig Vissoci, Fidele Sebera, Paul A. J. M. Boon, Eugene Rutembesa & Dirk E. Teuwen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Mindfulness based cognitive therapy (MBCT) reduces depression-related self-referential processing in patients with bipolar disorder: an exploratory task-based study.Thalia D. M. Stalmeier, Jelle Lubbers, Mira B. Cladder-Micus, Imke Hanssen, Marloes J. Huijbers, Anne E. M. Speckens & Dirk E. M. Geurts - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (7):1255-1272.
    Negative self-referential processing has fruitfully been studied in unipolar depressed patients, but remarkably less in patients with bipolar disorder (BD). This exploratory study examines the relation between task-based self-referential processing and depressive symptoms in BD and their possible importance to the working mechanism of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) for BD. The study population consisted of a subsample of patients with BD (n = 49) participating in an RCT of MBCT for BD, who were assigned to MBCT + TAU (n = (...)
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    Cognition and Emotion, Volume 24, 2010, List of Contents.Dirk Hermans, Jan De Houwer, Jenny Yiend, Nilly Mor, Leah D. Doane, Emma K. Adam, Susan Mineka, Richard E. Zinbarg, James W. Griffith & Michelle G. Craske - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (8).
  4. Cole, J. 87 Collard, J. 54 Comito, T. 198 Condor, J. 205n2.E. Condry, J. Conrad, V. Crapanzano, M. Crick, J. Cripps, M. David, J. Davis, J. Derrida, N. B. Dirks & T. Docherty - 1997 - In Andrew Dawson, Jennifer Lorna Hockey & Andrew H. Dawson (eds.), After Writing Culture: Epistemology and Praxis in Contemporary Anthropology. Routledge.
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    Memory and Identity in the Learned World: Community Formation in the Early Modern World of Learning and Science.Koen Scholten, Dirk van Miert & Karl A. E. Enenkel (eds.) - 2022 - BRILL.
    Accounts and analyses of the formation of scholarly and scientific communities in the early modern period by means of memory and collective identity.
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    Níveis da vontade e redes de decisão - Dois modelos e a sua compatibilidade.Dirk Stederoth - 2005 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 50 (2):42-57.
    Neste estudo, tratarei de dois modelos que são representados através das duas metáforas “níveis” e “redes” e são de grande significado para os debates contemporâneos em filosofia da mente e teorias de decisão. Após distinguir os dois modelos de modo geral, ambos os padrões de estrutura serão analisados com referência ao problema da liberdade da vontade e do controle de ações, discutindo, na conclusão, a sua compatibilidade.
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    »Swoosh«, oder Das Rauschen der E-Mail.Dirk Baecker - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2018 (1):23-35.
    Referring to MacOS’s »swoosh« as the signal of a successfully sent E-Mail the paper looks into the contribution of cultural values to communication with invisible machines. This contribution can be assessed within the context of Talcott Parsons’ action theory which addresses culture as one of four functional aspects of any one action (L), the other three being adaptation to physical, material, and technical environment (A), reference to the goal-attainment of both organism and personality (G), and the integration into, and differentiation (...)
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    Teil E. Zusammenfassung der gesamten Arbeit.Dirk Böttger - 2008 - In Gewerbliche Prozessfinanzierung Und Staatliche Prozesskostenhilfecommercial Legal Funding and State Funded Legal Aid: Am Beispiel der Prozessführung Durch Insolvenzverwalter. De Gruyter Recht.
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    A negação do número 2 em Grundgesetze e § 46 de Grundlagen: Resposta a Pedro Barbalho.Dirk Greimann - 2023 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 27 (2):369-372.
    Na sua resenha do meu artigo A Negação Fregeana do Número 2, Pedro Barbalho criticou a minha tentativa de mostrar que, dada a reconstrução da sintaxe e da semântica do sistema em Grundgesetze que apresentei num artigo anterior, a suposição de Frege de que “|Ø-- 2” é uma expressão bem-formada com um sentido e uma referência pode ser satisfatoriamente explicada. Pedro Barbalho oferece uma explicação alternativa que é sugerida pela tese Fregena no § 46 de Grundlagen de que uma afirmação (...)
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  10. Auch große Würfe gehen mal daneben: Antonio Negri und Michael Hardt zu Globalisierung, Arbeit und Befreiung.Dirk Hauer - 2000 - Analyse & Kritik 442.
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    Arthur Danto, Andy Warhol e la natura dell’arte.Dirk Koppelberg - 2007 - Rivista di Estetica 35 (35):241-257.
    Think Rich. Look Poor.Andy Warhol 1 Quadro introduttivo: la vita e l’opera di Danto Arthur C. Danto inizia la sua biografia intellettuale My Life as a Philosopher, a tutt’oggi inedita, con l’affermazione: «ho avuto l’immensa fortuna di crescere nel mezzo di due epoche d’oro — quella della filosofia e quella dell’arte». Sarà questa costellazione [Konstellation; N. d. T.] a modellare i suoi interessi, il suo sviluppo filosofico e in particolare la sua filosofia dell’arte che è stata influenzata...
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    Constructing future scenarios as a tool to foster responsible research and innovation among future synthetic biologists.Afke Wieke Betten, Virgil Rerimassie, Jacqueline E. W. Broerse, Dirk Stemerding & Frank Kupper - 2018 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 14 (1):1-20.
    The emerging field of synthetic biology, the designing and construction of biological parts, devices and systems for useful purposes, may simultaneously resolve some issues and raise others. In order to develop applications robustly and in the public interest, it is important to organize reflexive strategies of assessment and engagement in early stages of development. Against this backdrop, initiatives related to the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation have also appeared. This paper describes such an initiative: the construction of future scenarios (...)
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  13.  30
    Anton A. van Niekerk, Loretta M. Kopelman (eds) (2005) Ethics & Aids in Africa—The Challenge to our Thinking.: Mit einem Vorwort von Richter E. Cameron, David Philip Publishers, Claremont (Südafrika), XVII + 222 S., ISBN 0-86486-673-9.Dirk Hagemeister - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (3):280-282.
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  14. Mindreading, teoria della simulazione e empatia.Dirk Koppelberg - 2006 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 24 (2):41-62.
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  15.  38
    Simon Stevin. E. J. Dijksterhuis.Dirk Struik - 1949 - Isis 40 (3):269-270.
  16. Two Ways of Analogy: Extending the Study of Analogies to Mathematical Domains.Dirk Schlimm - 2008 - Philosophy of Science 75 (2):178-200.
    The structure-mapping theory has become the de-facto standard account of analogies in cognitive science and philosophy of science. In this paper I propose a distinction between two kinds of domains and I show how the account of analogies based on structure-preserving mappings fails in certain (object-rich) domains, which are very common in mathematics, and how the axiomatic approach to analogies, which is based on a common linguistic description of the analogs in terms of laws or axioms, can be used successfully (...)
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    Philodemus and Poetry: Poetic Theory and Practice in Lucretius, Philodemus, and Horace.Dirk Obbink (ed.) - 1995 - Oxford University Press.
    Designed to offer a critical survey of trends and developments in recent scholarship on Philodemus of Gadara and Hellenistic literary theory, the essays in this volume treat the papyrus texts of Philodemus' treatises on poetry and the related subjects of rhetoric and music, establishing links with his Roman contemporaries Lucretius, Catullus, Horace, and Virgil. The volume contains a complete translation of Philodemus' On Poems Book 5. The essays evaluate Philodemus' formalism, which denied the moral utility of poetry as it sought (...)
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    (1 other version)Jenseits von Reden.Dirk Ludigs - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 9 (2):79-88.
    So heftig und kontrovers wie der von Patsy L’Amour LaLove, einer an der HU Berlin promovierten Geschlechterforscherin, herausgegebene Essayband (Beißreflexe, 2017) wurde seit langer Zeit kein (wissenschaftliches) Buch mehr diskutiert. Es drängt sich der Eindruck auf, dass die sich selbst als aktivistische »Polittunte « verstehende Herausgeberin offensichtlich den Zeitgeist eines mit sich selbst strauchelnden Queerfeminismus getroffen habe: Solch eine Vielzahl an mehr als nur leidenschaftlichen Reaktionen allerlei Couleur konnte eine in erster Linie akademische Anthologie mit Texten zur aktuellen Verfassung der (...)
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    Identifying the Added Value of Virtual Reality for Treatment in Forensic Mental Health: A Scenario-Based, Qualitative Approach.Hanneke Kip, Saskia M. Kelders, Kirby Weerink, Ankie Kuiper, Ines Brüninghoff, Yvonne H. A. Bouman, Dirk Dijkslag & Lisette J. E. W. C. van Gemert-Pijnen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Hermarchus, Against Empedocles.Dirk Obbink - 1988 - Classical Quarterly 38 (02):428-.
    The standard histories give notice of a polemical treatise entitled Letters on Empedocles, 'Eπιστολικ. περ'Eμπεδοκλους in twenty two books by Hermarchus, Epicurus' favourite pupil and successor. The work survives in some twenty fragments of more than probable ascription. The most important of these is an extensive extract preserved by Porphyry at De Abstinentia 1.7–12 on the origin in human history of justice, homicide law, and expiatory purifications, which has been the subject of much discussion. Porphyry himself never names the title (...)
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  21.  27
    Op soek na ekumeniese kriteria: meta-religieuse criteria. (Looking for ecumenical criteria: meta-religious criteria).Dirk J. Louw - 2004 - South African Journal of Philosophy 23 (3):302-326.
    How may or should adherents of a particular religion assess other religious traditions? Whether they can avoid both absolutism and relativism depends on the availability of “ecumenical criteria”, i.e. a common scale in view of which the adherents of different religious traditions may jointly judge these traditions. It is argued that such a scale may exist even if we assume that the adherents of the different religions do not have any religious beliefs or criteria in common. This scale may exist (...)
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  22.  13
    Ästhetisches Verweilen.Dirk Westerkamp - 2019 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Dirk Westerkamp fragt nach der ästhetischen Erfahrung des Verweilens an Kunstwerken. Verweilen, Kontemplation und Muße stiften einen besonderen Umgang mit Gegenständen und einen besonderen Zugang zur Zeit. Wer sich in die Betrachtung von Kunstwerken versenkt, entrückt gewohnten Zeitbezügen. Im ästhetischen Verweilen geben wir uns Zeit für Erfahrungen mit natürlich und künstlich Hervorgebrachtem. Verweilen entfaltet sich in der Freiheit von Zeit. Als Kontemplation zielt eine solche Erfahrung allerdings nicht nur auf die Freiheit von der Herrschaft der Zeit. Gewonnen wird sie (...)
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  23. Opportunities and Problems of Standardized Ethics Initiatives – a Stakeholder Theory Perspective.Dirk Ulrich Gilbert & Andreas Rasche - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (3):755-773.
    This article explains problems and opportunities created by standardized ethics initiatives (e.g., the UN Global Compact, the Global Reporting Initiative, and SA 8000) from the perspective of stakeholder theory. First, we outline differences and commonalities among currently existing initiatives and thus generate a common ground for our discussion. Second, based on these remarks, we critically evaluate standardized ethics initiatives by drawing on descriptive, instrumental, and normative stakeholder theory. In doing so, we explain why these standards are helpful tools when it (...)
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    A time course analysis of the affective priming effect.Dirk Hermans, Jan De Houwer & Paul Eelen - 2001 - Cognition and Emotion 15 (2):143-165.
    The argument that automatic processes are responsible for affective/evaluative priming effects has been primarily based on studies that have manipulated the stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA; i.e., the interval between the onset of the prime and the onset of the target). Moreover, these SOA studies provide an insight in the time course of the activation processes underlying automatic affect/attitude activation. Based on a fine-grained manipulation of the SOA employing either the evaluative decision task (Experiment 1) and the pronunciation task (Experiment 2) (...)
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  25. Stoicism.Dirk Baltzly - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Stoicism was one of the new philosophical movements of the Hellenistic period. The name derives from the porch (stoa poikilê) in the Agora at Athens decorated with mural paintings, where the members of the school congregated, and their lectures were held. Unlike ‘epicurean,’ the sense of the English adjective ‘stoical’ is not utterly misleading with regard to its philosophical origins. The Stoics did, in fact, hold that emotions like fear or envy (or impassioned sexual attachments, or passionate love of anything (...)
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    Communication without sender or receiver? On virtualisation in the information process.Dirk Müller, Aaron Ruß & Wolfgang Hesse - 2008 - Poiesis and Praxis 5 (3-4):185-192.
    A communication process can be described in terms of a sender transmitting information to a receiver. What happens if one of the two subject roles in this process is virtualised, i.e. substituted by a machine? Is it still appropriate to refer to this as an information transfer even if its source or target is missing? Can information originate from an unknown sender or be transmitted to a (completely) unknown receiver? Before examining these questions and answering them, one has to clarify (...)
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    Die »Heimkehrerstudien« des Instituts für Sozialforschung und ihr politisches Scheitern.Dirk Braunstein & Fabian Link - 2019 - In Martin Endreß & Stephan Moebius (eds.), Zyklos 5: Jahrbuch Für Theorie Und Geschichte der Soziologie. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 433-447.
    Nach seiner Rückkehr aus dem US-amerikanischen Exil 1949 unternahm das Institut für Sozialforschung zahlreiche sozialempirische Studien über das politische Bewusstsein der westdeutschen Bevölkerung und dessen ideologische Grundlagen. Anknüpfend an die Erfahrungen, die das IfS mit der in den Vereinigten Staaten durchgeführten Untersuchung zur »Authoritarian Personality« gesammelt hatte, war das als Pilotstudie konzipierte »Gruppenexperiment« die erste und umfassendste der Untersuchungen über die ideologischen Haltungen der bundesrepublikanischen Bevölkerung, in diesem Fall gegenüber dem NS-Regime und der aktuellen Demokratie. Diese erste große sozialempirische »Bewusstseinsstudie« (...)
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    The Paradox of E-Numbers: Ethical, Aesthetic, and Cultural Concerns in the Dutch Discourse on Food Additives. [REVIEW]Dirk Haen - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (1):27-42.
    Persistent public distrust of food additives is often explained in terms of safety and health issues. The broad variety of ethical, aesthetic, and cultural concerns tends to be structurally ignored by food engineers and occasionally even by consumers themselves. The public controversy of food additives—commonly known as “E-numbers”—in the Netherlands is a case in point. Two discursive mechanisms prevent these concerns from becoming legitimate public issues: irrationalization and privatization. But these consumer concerns may not be as unreasonable as they seem, (...)
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  29.  34
    Cognition and emotion: on paradigms and metaphors.Dirk Wentura - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (1):85-93.
    The field of cognition and emotion is characterised as the cognitive psychology of evaluative and affective processes. The most important development in this field is the fruitful adoption of cognitive psychology paradigms to study automatic evaluation processes, for example. This has led to a plethora of findings and theories. Two points are emphasised: First, the (often metaphorical) theoretical way of thinking has changed over the decades. Theorising with symbolic models (e.g. semantic networks), which was prevalent in earlier years, has been (...)
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    L.E.J. Brouwer: Topologist, Intuitionist, Philosopher: How Mathematics is Rooted in Life.Dirk van Dalen - 2012 - Springer.
    Dirk van Dalen’s biography studies the fascinating life of the famous Dutch mathematician and philosopher Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer. Brouwer belonged to a special class of genius; complex and often controversial and gifted with a deep intuition, he had an unparalleled access to the secrets and intricacies of mathematics. Most mathematicians remember L.E.J. Brouwer from his scientific breakthroughs in the young subject of topology and for the famous Brouwer fixed point theorem. Brouwer’s main interest, however, was in the foundation (...)
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    Burke, E., A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origins of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Phillips, A. [REVIEW]Dirk Puis - 1992 - Philosophica 49.
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    Sachen und Sätze: Untersuchungen zur symbolischen Reflexion der Sprache.Dirk Westerkamp - 2014 - Hamburg: Meiner.
    Was sind systematische Metaphern? Wie intelligent ist die Buchstabenschrift? Müssen Wahrheitstheorien wahr sein? Wie ist das Verhältnis von Sachen (i.e. kulturellen Gegenständen) und Sätzen (d.h. sprachlichen Einheiten) zu beschreiben? Dirk Westerkamps grundlegende Untersuchung widmet sich dem noch kaum systematisch behandelten Verhältnis von Sprach- und Kulturphilosophie. - Die Aufgabe der Kulturphilosophie besteht in der theoretischen Reflexion kultureller Tatsachen. Sprache wird ihr dabei nicht nur als Medium des kulturellen Gedächtnisses zum Thema: Die Sprache ist sowohl selbst eine kulturelle Tatsache als auch (...)
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    Luthers reformatorischer Durchbruch. Zur Auseinandersetzung mit Oswald Bayers Promissio-Verständnis.Dirk-Martin Grube - 2006 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 48 (1):33-50.
    ZusammenfassungIn diesem Beitrag konzentriere ich mich auf Bayers Interpretation von Luthers Rechtfertigungsverständnis als promissio. In Teil I skizziere ich Bayers zentralen Gedanken, dass dieser Begriff als performativer Sprechakt in Austins Sinne verstanden werden muss, d.h. als ein Akt, der durch seinen Vollzug neue 〉Tatsachen〈 konstituiert und nicht nur schon existierende Tatsachen registriert. Die Worte der Absolution registrieren nicht, dass der Sünder gerechtfertigt ist, sondern vollziehen die Rechtfertigung, wenn sie im richtigen Kontext gesprochen werden.In Teil II beurteile ich die Konsequenzen dieser (...)
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    Frege on negative judgement and assertion.Dirk Greimann - 2018 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 59 (140):409-428.
    ABSTRACT In “Die Verneinung”, Frege discusses two types of negation, a semantic one and a pragmatic one. Semantic negation consists in the application of the logical function denoted by ‘it is false that p’ to a thought, and pragmatic negation in the act of asserting or judging a thought as false. According to the standard interpretation, Frege does not acknowledge pragmatic negation, because it is logically redundant. He therefore rejects the classical dualistic view that both truth and falsity are qualities (...)
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    Christian theology emerged by way of a Kuhnian Paradigm Shift.Dirk-Martin Grube - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 79 (1-2):178-193.
    ABSTRACTThis paper argues that, historically, Christianity emerges out of Judaism by way of a paradigm shift in Thomas Kuhn’s sense of the word and that this emergence has normative consequences regarding the legitimacy of Christianity. Paradigm shifts are characterized by observational anomalies triggering particular kinds of theoretical modifications, e.g. meaning-changes of key terms, leading to a coherent re-disclosure of reality. The first Christians underwent such a paradigm shift: The anomalous experience that the dead Jesus has risen triggered theoretical modifications – (...)
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    Ethics: the art of living well: by means of knowledge of the truth about man, sin, and virtue: described for the first time in Dutch.Dirk Volkertszoon Coornhert - 2015 - Hilversum: Verloren. Edited by Gerrit Voogt.
    Ethics, published (anonymously) by Coornhert in 1586, is a remarkable publication for a number of reasons: it is the first work on ethics written in a European vernacular; it is a mature work, appearing four years before Coornhert’s death, and summarizes a lifetime of writing and thinking about the good life; it is considered to be fundamentally pagan because of the absence in Zedekunst of biblical references or any direct mention of Christ. Asked why he did not write about such (...)
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    Willensfreiheit und die Autonomie der Kulturwissenschaften.Dirk Hartmann - 2005 - E-Journal Philosophie der Psychologie 1.
    Die Kulturwissenschaften besitzen ein Interesse an einer positiven inkompatibilistischen Antwort auf die Frage nach der Freiheit des Willens. Wäre es nicht möglich, einen gehaltvollen inkompatibilistischen Begriff von Willensfreiheit zu entwickeln, besäßen die Kulturwissenschaften einen gegenüber den Naturwissenschaften defizienten Status in dem Sinne, dass ihre hermeneutische Vorgehensweise nur provisorischen Wert hat, solange bis eine verlaufsgesetzliche Erklärung des je betreffenden menschlichen Verhaltens etabliert ist. Im Beitrag wird zunächst der Begriff der Willensfreiheit diskutiert. Im Anschluss daran wird zum einen der deterministische Versuch widerlegt, (...)
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    Dirk Van Dalen. Mystic, Geometer, and Intuitionist: The Life of L. E. J. Brouwer. Volume 2: Hope and Disillusion. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2005. Pp. x + 441–946. ISBN 0-19-851620-7. [REVIEW]Dirk Van Dalen - 2007 - Philosophia Mathematica 15 (1):111-116.
    Volume 1 of this biography of L. E. J. Brouwer was published in 1999.1 The volume under review here covers the period from the early nineteen twenties until Brouwer's death in 1966. It also includes a short epilogue that discusses the disposition of Brouwer's estate after his death, his influence on others, the paths of some of his students and colleagues, and other matters. Van Dalen notes in the Preface that in preparing this volume he consulted some historical studies that (...)
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    Social Message Account or Processing Conflict Account – Which Processes Trigger Approach/Avoidance Reaction to Emotional Expressions of In- and Out-Group Members?Dirk Wentura & Andrea Paulus - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:885668.
    Faces are characterized by the simultaneous presence of several evaluation-relevant features, for example, emotional expression and (prejudiced) ethnicity. The social message account (SMA) hypothesizes the immediate integration of emotion and ethnicity. According to SMA, happy in-group faces should be interpreted as benevolent, whereas happy out-group faces should be interpreted as potentially malevolent. By contrast, fearful in-group faces should be interpreted as signaling an unsafe environment, whereas fearful out-group faces should be interpreted as signaling inferiority. In contrast, the processing conflict account (...)
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    Ds Dirk van der Hoff se bydrae tot die ontwikkeling van die Christelik-nasionale onderwysstelsel in die ZAR.E. Oliver - 1992 - HTS Theological Studies 48 (3/4).
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    Die neo-inklusivistiese benadering tot religieuse pluraliteit (The neo-inclusivistic approach to religious plurality).Dirk J. Louw - 2004 - South African Journal of Philosophy 23 (1):82-107.
    “Neo-inclusivism” is explained and assessed as an approach to the problem of the conflicting claims to truth of different religions, with reference to inter alia John B. Cobb (Jr.), Gavin D'Costa and Paul Ingram. For the neo-inclusivist the truth of a religious tradition depends on its inclusivistic capacity, i.e. its capacity to assimilate other traditions. For ex ample, by being enriched and transformed through “radical openness” to other traditions, while remaining “committed” to her own tradition – so the neo-inclusivist claims (...)
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    On Governance, Embedding and Marketing: Reflections on the Construction of Alternative Sustainable Food Networks. [REVIEW]Dirk Roep & Johannes S. C. Wiskerke - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (2):205-221.
    Based on the reconstruction of the development of 14 food supply chain initiatives in 7 European countries, we developed a conceptual framework that demonstrates that the process of increasing the sustainability of food supply chains is rooted in strategic choices regarding governance , embedding, and marketing and in the coordination of these three dimensions that are inextricably interrelated. The framework also shows that when seeking to further develop an initiative (e.g., through scaling up or product diversification) these interrelations need continuous (...)
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    Dirk van der Hoff: Skeurmaker?E. Oliver & A. D. Pont - 1990 - HTS Theological Studies 46 (3).
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    Reconstructing the Dialectics in Karl Barth's 'Epistle to the Romans'.Dirk-Martin Grube - 2008 - Bijdragen 69 (2):127-146.
    In Karl Barth’s famous ‘Epistle to the Romans’, Second edition, the negation seems to be dominant: Each and every possibility to ‘have’ God, i.e. to cognize Him, is denied. More precisely speaking, Barth proposes a dialectics of negation and affirmation within which the negation seems to be dominant: He alludes frequently to the possibility to cognise God but then denies that possibility. An important question in Barth-research is thus how this dialectics is to be interpreted. Most Barth-researchers approach this question (...)
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  45.  13
    Gelingen im Scheitern: moraltheologische Überlegungen zu zwei Kategorien einer christlichen Identität.Dirk Gärtner - 2020 - Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet.
    Scheitern wie Gelingen sind ambivalente und zugleich existentielle Erfahrungen des Menschen. Die Sehnsucht, das eigene Leben als gelingend zu erfahren, ist dabei Ausdruck des menschlichen Strebens nach Glück. Das Wagnis einer unwiderruflichen Lebensentscheidung ist dabei der verbindlichste Ausdruck individueller Sinnstiftung für ein gelingendes Leben. Zur Frage, welche Gründe dem Gelingen oder Scheitern eines biografischen Lebensprojektes zugrunde liegen, hat Klaus Demmer wesentliche Überlegungen angestellt, denen in dieser Arbeit nachgegangen wird. Zentral ist dabei die Verhältnisbestimmung von sittlicher Persönlichkeit und Identität. Indem das (...)
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    Methods and Problems in Greek Science: Selected Papers by G. E. R. Lloyd. [REVIEW]Dirk Held - 1994 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 87:323-324.
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    Johannes Gleixner: „Menschheitsreligionen“. T. G. Masaryk, A. V. Lunačarskij und die religiöse Herausforderung revolutionärer Staaten (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017), 269 S., ISBN 978-3-525-31034-2 (hbk), € 70,00, ISBN 978-3-647-31034-3 (e-book), € 59,99. [REVIEW]Dirk Schuster - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 29 (2):349-351.
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  48. Brouwer and Fraenkel on intuitionism.Dirk van Dalen - 2000 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 6 (3):284-310.
    In the present paper the story is told of the brief and far from tranquil encounter of L.E.J. Brouwer and A. Fraenkel. The relationship which started in perfect harmony, ended in irritation and reproaches.The mutual appreciation at the outset is beyond question. All the more deplorable is the sudden outbreak of an emotional disagreement in 1927. Looking at the Brouwer–Fraenkel episode, one should keep in mind that at that time the so-called Grundlagenstreit was in full swing. An emotional man like (...)
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  49. Zermelo and the Skolem paradox.Dirk Van Dalen & Heinz-Dieter Ebbinghaus - 2000 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 6 (2):145-161.
    On October 4, 1937, Zermelo composed a small note entitled “Der Relativismus in der Mengenlehre und der sogenannte Skolemsche Satz” in which he gives a refutation of “Skolem's paradox”, i.e., the fact that Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory—guaranteeing the existence of uncountably many sets—has a countable model. Compared with what he wished to disprove, the argument fails. However, at a second glance, it strongly documents his view of mathematics as based on a world of objects that could only be grasped adequately by (...)
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    Dirke And the Sun's Course in Sophocles' Antigone.E. Coughanowr - 1973 - Classical Quarterly 23 (01):22-.
    There has been apparently a universal agreement among commentators on Antigone that either Sophocles was wrong in having the early sun rise over Dirke, west of Thebes, or that he chose Dirke rather than Ismenos, which flows to the east, as the most representative waterbed. But, curiously enough, they fail to realize that Sophocles nowhere in the above passage mentions the sun, but rather the sunlight, , eyelid, may not necessarily mean but eyelashes, i.e. the outward-bound sunbeams.
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